Configuring Flow Sensor Telegrams

You need to define channels and telegrams that the sensor uses to transmit data to the receiver. These settings are for Trawl Speed, Grid and Symmetry sensors.

About this task

Important: Make sure there is a minimum distance of 200 Hz between the uplink frequency and other NBTE sensors' frequencies. See Frequency Plan for a full list of boat/channel codes.
Remember: Always click Apply after you changed a setting.


  1. Click the tab 3N1.

  2. From 3N1 Boat Code/Channel Code, select a frequency for the uplink that communicates with the receiver.
  3. From 3N1 Telegram:
    • For a Trawl Speed sensor, select Telegram CL.
    • For a Symmetry sensor, select Telegram SY.
    • For a Grid sensor, select Telegram GL.

What to do next

You need to configure the pitch and roll telegrams.

Pitch & Roll

About this task

You can send pitch and roll data on a single or on different channels. Sending them on different channels enables you to receive data more often, but this reduces the battery life.
Troubleshooting: If you change from a single telegram (CL or VQ) to separate telegrams (D3 or AL), the pitch telegram will not update to a separate telegram (D6 or AN). See When changing from single to separate pitch and roll telegrams, the pitch telegram remains set at CL or VQ for guidance.


  1. Click the tab Pitch and Roll.

  2. If you send pitch and roll data on the same channel:
    1. From Pitch and Roll or Roll Boat Code/Channel Code, select a frequency.
    2. From Pitch and Roll or Roll Telegram, choose between:
      • Telegram CL: sends data every 11 to 14 sec.
      • Telegram VQ: sends data every 5 to 9 sec.
      Note: VQ sends data more often, but it reduces the battery life.
  3. If you send pitch and roll data on two different channels:
    1. From Pitch and Roll or Roll Boat Code/Channel Code, select a channel for roll data.
    2. From Pitch and Roll or Roll Telegram, choose roll telegram between:
      • Telegram D3: sends data every 3 to 8 sec.
      • Telegram AL: sends data every 11 to 15 sec.
      Note: D3 sends data more often, but it reduces the battery life.
    3. From Pitch Boat Code/Channel Code, select a channel for pitch data.
    4. From Pitch Telegram, choose between:
      • Telegram D6: sends data every 3 to 4 sec.
      • Telegram AN: sends data every 3 to 6 sec.
  4. If needed, you can deactivate pitch and roll. However, we do not recommend to deactivate these measures because they are very important for Flow Sensors.
    1. From Mosa2, click Menu > Expert and enter the password copernic.
    2. To deactivate the roll: from Pitch and Roll or Roll Activation, select No.
    3. To deactivate the pitch: from Pitch Activation, select No.